Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Easy, simple Christmas idea.

I love magazines and there aren't many I don't already subscribe to. One of my best loved is Real Simple. In the November 2010 edition under the section called solutions, 6 new uses for a book, they showed an ingenious idea. I thought this would be great just about anywhere but especially in a library or in my daughter-in-laws English classroom. It certainly wouldn't damage the books. Many of us have old books gathering dust so this would be a super easy way to decorate and not spend a dime. If you don't have any old books I know they can be found at any thrift or Goodwill stores for very little. My childhood encyclopedia's would have worked perfectly for the base of the tree.

Well now it's time to sit back and savor my new Mary Jane's Farm magazine that just arrived. Oh that is another one of my best loved monthly addictions.

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT idea! Thanks for sharing - LOVE the wicked scissors in your other post, too...oh, the things I could cut with those!
