Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's a Hot One!

          Hot Hot Hot.....that's the season we're in. There doesn't seem to be a gradual season change anymore. Our area went from extreme flooding to extreme heat in a matter of a few days.
As a quick update,I survived Saturday pool prepping,and it was a scorcher,98 degrees in the shade. But as it turns out, it was a nice day working and laughing together. Followed by a nice evening out to dinner.
I have mulled over several topics for today,but just couldn't muster up the pizzazz. I guess you could say I'm in a rather blah mood. So I'm just going to share some fun items from Etsy.I'm sure it's just this heat that has burned away any spark of enthusiasm.
Thankfully we will be heading to our camp soon, so I'm hoping that will help restore my battery.
In the words of Jimmy Buffet "Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude"
So for now, here's what made me smile today.

Ocean Rain Soap
This makes me think about beach glass....a real obsession of mine!
Yellow Beach Sign

Well and beaches too....gotta go there to find the glass. Nags Head North Carolina was by far the best place. We found so many pieces and in three different colors.
Just a tiny bit of trivia for you,Nags Head is also the place where Black Beard was killed. They just recently raised the huge main anchor of his ship the Queen Anne's Revenge. I can't wait to see what other treasures will be raised up after sitting at the bottom of the Ocean for 300 years. Actually that area is a grave yard of hundreds of ships over hundreds of years. It's a great place for kids and adults to visit ,and spend their summer vacation.
Carnelian Orange Bracelet
There is something about the color orange that I just love. Actually googling the word orange once is how I discovered blogs. Orange is my oldest grandson's favorite color.So for his birthday one year I was looking for gift ideas. Up pops a site called How About Orange. It was from that point on I became addicted to blogging!
Guava Marshmallow Lollipops
Now you have to admit the flavor of these is very intriguing....just may have to order these for the grand-kiddo's. Go to her shop and check out her set of 6 lollipops,3 Buttered popcorn,and 3 coke's.Wouldn't those be great for an evening of outdoor movies!
Ceramic Heart Bowl
Check out this shop. So many darling items!! I think a handbag like this would be fun too.
Fish Tile

Mason Jar Solar Lids
These are a fabulous find and are now on my "gotta have list" for my deck here and at the camp!
Tin Shovels 
Oh I wish I could afford these....they would be sweet in my bathroom at our camp.
Bright Green Metal Butterfly
Had a thought when I saw this metal butterfly.....I need a garden of metal flowers. No watering, no wilting in this heat, and no,win!
Fedora Hat

Carnival Birthday Banner
This banner screams lets have fun!! For a birthday party,or any party. I love the colors and the combination of stripes and polka dots!
Antique Nest Boxes
 Well Obviously I'm effected by color so to get over my Blahs I think I will stop on the way home and get myself a big box of 64 Crayola crayons, with the sharpener of course. And maybe a coloring book.....I mean why not..... it works for kids why not for a Nana =)


  1. Booooo to the mean old blahs! You need to stand on the furniture (yes, I DID suggest that - LOL)and sing: BLAHS, BLAHS, GO AWAY! COME AGAIN ... NEVER!) Okay, it doesn't exactly have the correct rhythm or ANY rhyme of the original, but it makes a good statement, huh? Rebecca, I loved seeing all those pretties! What a refresher in these hot days! I hope your weather cools some (ours is sadly unlikely to cool until around mid-October!) and camp time arrives soon! BIG HUGS!

  2. Your finds just make me smile. A nana who is so young at heart! :))

  3. Ooh... I love summer. And the BEACH! I can't wait to go to the ocean this summer. :)

    And that is so cool about finding the anchor from Blackbeard's ship! I'd love to see that... history is so fascinating. :)

  4. What a bunch of great finds, but I'm caught up on all the treasure on the bottom of the ocean still... can you even imagine the amazing goodies down there? And yes, definitely go with the crayons and coloring book, sure to brighten your spirit anyday! :)
