Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween: An Excuse to Dress Up and Act Silly

         We just recently went to our kids annual Halloween party and as always had a great time. They do such a great job of hosting a family friendly party for parents to bring their kids and for their teenage son to have his friends too.
I wanted to share a few things we did and some creative ideas I found our there in blog-land. First from Formal Fringe I found a great idea for some illuminated skeleton hands.
I really wish I had found this idea before the party. I did however do something I saw a while back and I honestly can't remember where I saw it. I apologize if I'm not giving someone credit for this. But its little light up eye balls made from ping pong balls placed over battery operated votives.
You simply cut a hole and using permanet markers draw on a black dot and some red squiggly lines around it.
This photo does not do them justice,they were very cool!
We placed them all over outside and I have to say they did look great!
I also made these little favor bags for the kids to take home with them that I saw on Pinterest.

Most of the kids who come to the party each year are in theater with our oldest grandson. Theater kids are always ready to help out on the "scary walk" through the woods that the little ones....and the older ones enjoy. They have to hide or position themselves to look like a statue and of course come to life and scare the pajibbers out of everyone. A lot of acting goes into this and the giggles and blood curdling screams always make me laugh.....from far of away of course! You see I'm a chicken and very "G" rated so I don't do haunted houses....or backyard scary walks of any kind!!

Everyone in our family waits to see what Jason ( our youngest son) decides on for his costume. Last year he was Batman complete with theme music. We wondered how he would ever top that....but he did! He came as Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer. Of course he won all of the big prizes!!
He's here with our little Cat in the Hat Niece.
My husband and I went as Frankenstein and I was the Mad Scientist who created all wives have to do over many years haha! Shhh don't tell him I said that!
The costume that I thought was the cutest I've seen in a long time was Patrick( our oldest grandson) and his girlfriend. They came as the 1940's end of WWII famous photo (often called) The Kiss.
These aren't costumes they are the real deal. I think they are a couple of little old souls they both really enjoy nostalgia. So they searched for the actually clothes. His is a Navy uniform from that time period and hers is a 1940 Red Cross nurses dress. I just loved it,what a sweet idea. I get rather worn out with all of gory costumes so this to me was rather refreshing!
The host and hostess!
So many great costume ideas! We ate too much, laughed too much and the kids and Abe Lincoln danced the night way to Dance Central 3!

                There's no better place to be for us than partying with the kiddos!


  1. Abe Lincoln dancing with the princess - PRICELESS! You always have the BEST parties...and ideas! Happy Halloween, Rebecca - XOXO Tanya

  2. Good times indeed!
    This year I am dressing up as a Procrastinator.
    Therefore, I will look no different than any other day!
    Sad but true.
    Have a fun and safe Halloween.

  3. WONDERFUL costumes & what FUN! Your family is so cool. (Don't suppose you'd want to adopt an old lady, would you? LOL!) Hugs, hugs, & MORE hugs, Rebecca! XXXOOO!
