Finally today we will see sunshine!! I hope the flooding season has passed,I am doubtful ,but hopeful....yes that is me, a contradiction of thoughts.
Another thought that has been on everyone's mind I'm sure is Japan and the horrific events that have happened to those people since last Friday. It breaks my heart to see the pictures each day and to imagine just how terrifying the earthquake must have been. Then to suffer through an enormous sunami just moments later,is more than my mind can comprehend. I hope and pray that they find more people alive soon,and are able to recover from this tragedy.We spent some time last summer with a Japanese exchange staudent and she was wonderful, and beautiful.We were so worried about her when we learned of what had happened,because she lives in Tokyo.
Finally later on Friday we got one message from her on Face Book that she was well and for us not to worry about her. But that is all we have heard,so now our concern has grown as we wait to hear from her again.
Preston and Sakura at Patrick's Carnival birthday party |
My mind has been wondering all day today.I've caught myself staring out the window. I can become mesmerized watching the birds at my little feeder,and the goofy squirrels, as they continue to try and jump onto feeder,and fall every time. It's much better than television!
But back to my wondering thoughts,I'm dreaming...of.... I guess mostly........TIME OFF! Vacation....and relaxing....reading...oh and creating.....gardening...ahhh...and cooking........I'm sorry there I go again.
I guess my mind is wandering because I'm so pooped! We have been very busy here at work doing our local Home and Garden Show.The show was a success for us,lots of appointments and phone calls. But it's always such a busy weekend that it can take me a few days to bounce back.
In addition to that I have been crazy busy with orders for my felt Campfire.Now I am not complaining it's just that I hate that I have had to keep customers waiting. So EVERY spare moment I have I am sewing,that's why I haven't been posting like I would like to.
So my thoughts have wandered off to memories of Spring and Summer activites. Like days on the lake or at the cottage. Sometimes doing nothing, just sitting, and talking, and laughing while the kids entertain us. Enjoying a campfire and smores made by the grimy little hands of my grandsons, ya gotta love it!
Nana, Papa and the kiddos opening the cottage a couple yrs ago. |
Floating on the lake,and listening to some tall tales |
Memorial Day a couple yrs ago.It was so hot that the party seemed to move to the creek. |
Amy is the only one who has ever found an arrowhead |
Yes my mind is wondering.Remembering all of the fun family cookouts and get togethers. Sometimes on holiday's, sometimes for no reason at all. We love sitting out on the deck quietly as the sun goes down.Then like magic watching the creek light up with fireflys.It's amazing how quickly the yard and creek begin to have a mystical feeling, all sparkly with millions of tiny twinkling lights.
The kids love all of the creatures we have seen down at the creek,and some we haven't seen but we know were there.We bought the boys a book on animal tracks and that has been so much fun when we go out scouting the area. Now this little critter in the photo above seems to have survived a fight or something since he has a pincher missing. It was fun while it lasted that day, but turned sad as soon as the kids discovered we needed to let them all go back into the water.
I've been thinking about how much Preston loves eating watermelon right out of Papa's garden. I am so looking forward to all of the fresh vegetables and berries from our garden.This photo was taken down at the cottage, he loves watermelon.He also loves helping me cut it up and it's during those moments that they will jabber and giggle, and share so many funny tales.
We could hear him laughing on the boat,it was hysterical |
I've been thinking about all of the fun days at the lake. The kids love tubing and it seems we can never go fast enough now that they are growing bigger....make me sooo nervous ha! ha!
I'm day dreaming about relaxing and having the time to notice all of the small moments. These moments will be the things we will treasure more than anything else.This is one of my favorite photo's of my niece Lindsey. She spends nearly all summer down here with us each year. Now that she's older she may be working some in our office,and she is a blessing for me.I am certainly look forward to her being here with me. She is very mature and has a knack for organizing and that is something we need here desperately.
The kids still talk about how we said we would go back someday |
Going on vacation with the kiddos( even Disney ) will always be the best way to spend our Summer.They do wear out us old people out, but as my Grandmother use to say"it's a good tired". The best trip I feel was to Nags Head North Carolina that we took last year. No amusement parks, none of the money grubbing bells and whistles,just the beach ,the dunes and the history all around us. It was so much fun.
Isn't it funny how boys always end up falling in the water before they're done. |
I've been thinking about more adventures with Grandson's and Papa. Hiking and searching for arrowheads, fossils and treasurers. Papa finds that the real treasure is the time together whether they find anything or not.
We have buckets full of fossils that the boys have collected. As a matter of fact all of our benches down at the creek are still covered with "valuable fossils".I was remembring how Papa and Preston found an old jar buried under water a couple of years ago.That is a story I plan to share with you real soon.
Normally we don't let them climb on the counter but he was our taste tester. |
This photo was taken at our cottage near Patoka Lake,Preston is helping Papa make fruit smoothies while we make popcorn for our outdoor movies.That outdoor movie setup was the best money spent. We have had so much fun.You can make any movie a major event when it's shown outside. We have even added this to birthday parties for later in the evening ,and trust me kids (and adults)of all ages love it!
So the sun is shining today ,and I am day dreaming,.........=)