I've been working on a post about my trip when I saw this dessert idea on another wonderful blog.
Be Different Act Normal. I love this blog! The name simply cracks me up,and it is always full of wonderful ideas.
So I know I'm repeating myself,but I love cooking in canning jars,still not sure why but I do. So this is perfect for Halloween for my little ghouls and goblins! And I have Ooodles of new jars just waiting for me.The boys start talking Halloween the minute September rolls around.....well to be honest we all do.
We all really enjoy dressing up even if we're not having a party. We just dress up and walk with the kids as they trick or treat.This year I've been told they will be hosting a party and my oldest grandson plans on having many of his fellow theater friends there. That will be a hoot because theater kids love nothing better than to wear a costume,makeup and play a ghoulish role!
This is a school full of wonderful theater talent.That's why Showtime aired a documentary about them. |
Several of his friends have just come from Scotland where they preformed
E.A. Poe...Into the Mind of Madness. They have been lucky(and talented) enough to have been invited to Scotland for the last several years. This play is very dark and very spooky to say the least.....so these kids should have no problem falling back into character. Floyd Central and New Albany High School is loaded with so much talent. It makes me sad that the theater teachers from both schools are retiring this year. I hope it doesn't change things too drastically.
You may remember a while back I talked about the documentary called
Guys and Divas that aired on Showtime. It's about three of our local high schools theater department. Check it out there's a clip at the link above on You Tube.
Today is a rainy dreary, stay in my sweats and read kind of day. So I am loving all of these new on line magazines. I just discovered another fabulous one called
The photo's are absolutely beautiful. I sat for so long just drooling over figs. The crazy thing is I've never tasted one before,but now I know I must have one.
A dear sweet blog friend Kai from
Celebrating Christmas Year Round mentioned just the other day that they are her favorite. So figs are my shopping list!Question....do you eat them as is or do they need prepping in some way?
My persimmons are just about ready to fall. So soon I will need to take a hike down to the creek and just hope I beat the deer to them. This time of year as the leaves change color and it begins to get cooler,my taste buds scream for, apple cider,butternut squash,baked pears,persimmon pudding,and my boys all time favorite pumpkin roll.....ahhh fall comfort food, yummy!!
The last of our butternut squash from our garden. |
So this dessert went to the top of my list. Lattice Cider Cookie Tops. Pie dough as a cookie now that is a Genius idea....probably only new to me....but still GENIUS!!
I first found it on a blog called
More Design Please. That's what led me to discover
Styled the on-line magazine. Oh I just had a thought I wonder if this would work on top of my canning jars with apple pie inside....then baked in the oven with these sweet cookies on top! Genius idea!!
Oh I hate to have to get dress and go to the grocery...on such a dreary rainy day but sadly my taste buds have taken control of me.
I've heard it said that people have been seen at Walmart (
People of Walmart) in their house slippers and pajama pants,and even worse....hummm so I may just go as is.....sweats and slippers!We need a drive through grocery for days like this. Genius idea!
Since I have a new hair color,some copper/red added to my way too light....natural blond (ha ha)no one may recognize me.........That reminds me of a funny moment this week.
Patrick my 16yr old grandson passed me on the road a few days ago while driving in Drivers Ed class. He told his mom he had seen my new hair color. I asked him why he didn't honk and he said he couldn't because he was with his drivers ed teacher.....I thought, oh that's true,Duh! You see there's still a lot of blond in my hair! But he went on to say that I looked mean and grouchy.Well aren't kids just too sweet? It's such fun to age in front of them,they never fail to point out a wrinkle or a gray hair,or a memory loss!! Sadly I explained that's just how I look as I drive, and I guess no amount of hair dye will change it.... But it does serve me well at Halloween should I dress as a wicked witch.You have to flaunt what you have....moohaha!!! =)