Last weekend we opened our much beloved cabin for the summer. We did make a short day trip down a few weeks ago to do some of the dreaded cleaning. Thankfully we had covered all the furniture with plastic when we closed it up for winter. I have to say that saves us a ton of work. The first weekend stay can be a busy and expensive trip. Stocking the refrigerator and pantry. Replacing any worn out sheets, towels and outdoor cushions. Getting the satellite TV turned back on is usually the biggest problem we have EVERY YEAR. I don't know why but it always is! And it's always fun to discover if any little critters have been visiting during the cold winter months. I'm glad to report no damage found and the only critters inside so far were some ladybugs. And yes the satellite TV is up and working.....we are ready!
While I ramble on here and bore you to death about our weekend I'm going to show you some various photos of our place down near Patoka Lake, and even a few before and after shots too. I hope it isn't too confusing, I know how my thoughts tend to bounce around like I'm livin inside a pin ball machine.
This is many years ago when we were still under construction. Preston loved to help with his own tools. |
All of the heavy work is finally done and we had a great weekend even though the weather wasn't the best. Luckily we had a nice Friday night to sit and enjoy a warm campfire with my brother and sister-in-law.
A lot of what we used to build with was odds and ends left over from different construction projects. |
We need to repaint the exterior this year. Not sure if we should stay with this moss green or go brighter. |
This is what it looked like when we bought it. We put a sign out that said free trailer and someone came and took this lovely 70's RV off our hands!I do wish we had saved the roof that covered the RV but we let them take it too. |
Saturday was a chilly day with moments of aggravating drizzle......I wanted to scream "please just rain already and get it over with"! But we didn't let this dampen our spirits in the least. When a break in the weather came took some time to go mushroom hunting. Sadly we didn't find a darn thing and came home empty handed! It's so hard to find them year after year and those that have found them rarely ever spill their top secret location. A few years ago we were so shocked to discover a boat load on our own property down near the creek. That was a yummy surprise!
We used plastic fencing for headboards in both bedrooms. |
Our little kitchen. Much of what we have above the cabinets came from past home show houses we have built and had to decorate.The large bowl was once a dark brown red that I painted turquoise and then scuffed up. |
We made our bedroom lamps from left over wooden columns from a construction job. |
I love our little table and chairs we were able to salvage from a fire job we had. The customer didn't want it and it works perfectly with our space. |
We decided to use bright colors in the full bathroom. Our towels are every color in the rainbow! |
I have some ideas for a new wreath for the front door and some outdoor funky decor but all in all we have the place finished. Last year we did have to have the interior repainted and installed some badly needed new carpet. That was an easy fix since we have a construction company and a flooring store!This year we will need to repaint the exterior and can't decide if we should stick with the moss green or try a brighter color. What do you think?
This is a portion of our small patio. I love having my morning coffee out here and watching the birds and chipmunks. We also have had a real problem with skunks but that's another story! |
Now my brother and his wife have bought a place and have decided to park their RV here permanently. |
After our on again off again winter season it's so nice to know that spring is here and summer is just around the corner!